-Find location for Dinghy-Tow Transom Brackets.
-Measure angle of stern at this point.
-Cut teak block 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" with appropriate thickness to allow the stern brackets to be mounted on the same plane.
-Using template provided for the stern bracket in the installation manual, pre-drill the holes for the mounting bolts in the teak block (a drill press is the best method for accuracy).
-Using a band saw or other method, cut the teak block on the diagonal which the stern of the main vessel represents.
-Place the outer half of the block in position on the stern and drill four holes through the hull.
-At this time, the bolts may be run through the outer block and hull and through the inner half of the block to check for hole accuracy.
-We suggest that the inner half of the block be epoxied in place at this time.
-When epoxy hardens, the bolts and outer blocks can be removed.
-Before installing the Dinghy-Tow Stern Bracket, use sealer around holes.
-Place stern brackets in place and push bolts through bracket, out block, hull, and inner block and then install backing plate, lock washers and nuts.
-NOTE: Depending on final thickness of the block, longer bolts may be needed than are provided in the kits.